Sunday, December 17, 2006
Amplify Christmas Party
it's photo taking galore weekend!
Even all the cousins from Aussieland came back! not all though... Thedore and Nat didn't...
Gosh! The whole of last weekend was busy busy busy... all the cousins were helping out and all!
ok enough of talking... check out the photos!
That's Tiffany's sister, Marilyn!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Say NO to Durians!
The exco had a buffet dinner at Merchant Court last Friday to reward ourselves... haha!
Though there were some hiccups in the beginning!
yes! Cassila almost lost her appetite cos of what happened...
Cass made a reservation for 12 but when we got there, they actually gave us 2 seperate tables of 6! and we wanted to sit together soooo... we wanted the hotel manager to make arrangements for us, and they took super long to get back to us!
To cut the long story short, they kept pushing us here, there & everywhere!
WAH! cassilda pissed off liao!
she immediately went up to the manager to demand for an explanation... when she came back to us, i'm like aiyor! pls.. we should ask for waiver for 1 or 2 of us...
yar then i went up to demand for it! hahahah! i dun care!
HELLO! u think coffee shop issit? can push us around all... push here, push there!
Apart from the table seating drama... ... gosh we took a ZILLION and one photos! ahhaha! Check it out! You all see photos lah, i dun wanna talk already! hahaha!
Baby Jessica's in the house!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
it's a crazy weekend!!!
i'm freaking out big time!
Schedule for the week:
6 Dec
West Cell Group (which just ended, phewwww! cos i'm the host, that's y i'm a little stressed up)
7 Dec
Wedding Rehearsal (my cousin's (Jeremy), not mine)
Then going back to office for a meeting
8 Dec
Afternoon : Tiffy and Marilyn coming back from the Aussieland, landing at 1.30pm
Evening : Pig Out Time!!! with Amplify Exco @ Merchant Court hotel, check out the buffet!!
The only event in the week i'm looking forward to (next to west cell)
9 Dec
Jeremy's Church Wedding in the morning... i'm gonna be the songbird
Rush off to CSC for Exco Meeting in the afternoon
10 Dec
it's THE day! omg... big event in the morning, Residents' Day Walkaton...
gosh! my cc is gonna turn into a madhouse... 3 on-going events in one day!
Evening: Jeremy's Wedding dinner, and i'm emcee-ing! gosh...
So after my morning event, i gotta like rush off to Granny's place to help out and stuff, then come home to change and head for dinner...
tell me about it... yeah.. it's gonna be crazy!!!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
P.S. I Lup Chew people!
the rest around us would be like joining in and all but ohh well, nvm! i love u people too!
Praise the good Lord!
i wanna scream from the mountain top to declare Your goodness!!!
The younger ones in Amplify has indeed grown from strength to strength....
It such a short span of time, since YISS in June,
we've all seen them stepping up and growing together...
U gotta see for urself that kinda energy they emit!
it just rubs off me!!!
Keep Praising Him!!! Keep your hearts burning for Jesus!!!
Monday, December 04, 2006
are u feeling all christmasy already?
i was just walking down town last nite with Flo and Thelma... WOW! i feel so Chritmasy already! i was just commenting that ohh u know how i refuse to feel Christmasy in November though the christmas lightings in town was already up in the beginning of November!
omg! so kiasu can!
Then i realise ohhh! Today 2 December already hor?
ok December already! i can be in the Christmas mood now! haha!
how stupid!
yar and so irritating can!
every 5 steps u take, u gotta make way or avoid the cameras!
everyone's just taking photos away!!!
yes! Christmas has always been so commercialised....
and i was commenting about Tangs' Christmas Deco last year...
i can't really remember the exact phrase but it was something about
The FOCUS is suppose to be on JESUS!
it was like a Hello everyone! LOOK HERE! Christmas is about Jesus!
i know this may sound cliche but it's a simple truth that everyone forgets!
year in year out the priests will say this during their summons in the season of advent...
Christmas is so commercialised, does anyone out there remembers
A Saviour has been born to us today???
haiyor everyone is just too caught up with buying christmas presents and
thinking of what to wear on christmas eve....
myself included.... haha
but i think it's really about giving what we have to others who may not have what we have...
GUYS! if u happen to read this,
come join Amplify on 16th Dec @ CSC in celebrating the joy of Christmas
with some 90 over old folks
Let's make their Christmas special!!!
RSVP to Thelma...
See Thelma, another source for publicity