Yes ok ok! i'm updating my blog already!
Gosh! i haven't been updating since before Christmas! that's a pretty long while....
been really caught up with all that last minute Christmas shopping... hmmm not really though... more of organising socials one after another!!!
Here are some back dated updates... haha
Christmas Eve:
I went back to my old parish to conduct the choir for Christmas Midnight mass... wasn't really a midnight mass though cos it started at 11pm!
my goodness! we only had 3 practices! how cool is that? aiyar but we keep repeating songs year after year... i was commenting: aiyor! i think it's the 4th year we're doing O Come All Ye Faithful for Entrance Hymn leh! and they all laughed!
Yupz!! how convenient! no wonder we could do everything in 3 practices!
yar and this year, we had a few boy sopranos (all altar boys) joining in the fun!!! gosh u guys should really come to my church next year to listen to them... that is if they join us again... they've got angelic voices! they sound like the Vienna Choir Boys! if not exactly, very close!!!
It was a whole new experience for me once again... Haven't been back in the choir for a year since i started on my *AHEM* crazy job... Conducting this year is just different though i've been doing this year in year out...
It's like doing something so familiar to me and yet different! oh wells... i kinda miss it and yeah it was nostalgic! *sobs* haha!
Christmas Day:
gosh!!! my voice was cracking by the end of Midnight service! i went straight to Charles & Ros' place with Tiffany... NO ONE was there yet except Clarence!
everyone only started to arrive at about 2am... MY MY!!! it turned into a mad house!!! everyone went round hugging each other and all, MERRY CHRISTMAS all over the place... omg! so giddy can! while i was busy helping around since i was the organiser!
boy i really lost my voice while trying to get everyone's attention a few times... i had to stand on the chair at one point to get attention!!!
it was a crazy crazy crazily FUN night... though poor Hosts were going to faint already! haha!! Trust me! their house almost exploded!!
we played "Evil Santa", everyone was snatching presents all over the place... had an intimate worship session led by our Long Service Award winner Bernard Hee... hahaha! Hee Hore!!! it was a crazy nite!
After everything.... i realise i didn't take a single photo, i haven't eaten at all and WORSE STILL!!! I FORGOT TO CUT THE CAKE for the December Babies! omg omg omg! i almost threw up the food in my mouth after i realised it!
Reached home at about 8 in the morning... wah cannot take it!! i only woke up at like 2pm and realised that i had to be at my Grandmama's house for lunch! i ignored my dad's wake up call at about 12 noon! hahaha...
It was like a huge reunion! with all the Aussieland Cousins back with us... minus their parents... it would be nice to have the back with us as well though...
Then, all the cousins went over to my Aunt's place to have another round of feasting... we all got bored and decided to watch The Holiday later in the evening...
A bit the SALA though... watching a romantic movie with a bunch of cousins!! oh wellz... we had a great time laughing and giggling!!! hahahha! relive the teenage days!!!
28 December:
Tiffy and Lyn-Lyn were gonna go home to the Aussieland! I left early from my meeting to see them off at the airport...
It's the Da Jie & I!!! She's got my laughter! Yes it runs in the family!!! haha!

It's Marilyn, the ROCKER CHICK!!!

OMG! Look at these Japanese Wannabes!!!
Whose bright idea was this??? It was YOU, Tessa right???
Gosh after we saw the photo, the girls were all screaming...
ok at least it was me and Tiffany screaming: omg! DISGUSTING! how did we ever do that????
ok end of story... i'm so tired... i'm going to bed... byeeeeee!