i've finally ended my long misery of having a laptop that cannot type the letters 'O', 'I' and 'L'! ok lah not only that but i spent a lot repairing components here and there the past 3 years! keyboard spoil lah, battery spoil lah, kena virus left right centre lah... wahh i think i've had enough! problems all over the place!
it got so frustrating that I really wanted to just end it all by getting myself a Macbook. I'd been thinking about it, like OK the next laptop I'm getting would probably be a Mac... i've heard too much raving reviews from Mac users that I got totally convinced!
The breaking point happened a few days ago when I started to type on my old laptop and the number '4' starting coming out when i typed 'U', then 'P' became '-', 'M' became '2' and so on and so forth... it totally went bonkers! And the cover, which i just repaired like 3 months ago, started to give way again... WAHHHHHH! enough is enough!
My Daddy: "aiyor just go and buy a new one lah! don't so pek chek already!"
Yes Lyn the Aunty got hers on Saturday and she was telling me there's this promotion going on! Wahhhh, Sunday evening I faster cheong down to EpiCentre to have a look! Quickly called Charles Lim and told him about the offer... He wanted to get a Macbook too!
So anywayz, we both decided YES! Let's get one! First thing in the morning on Monday, I went down to buy it! OMG! Praise the good Lord! i love it! I finally understood what it means "once u use Mac, you won't wanna switch back to PC"!
And on Tues night, I found out that Don got his macbook too! HAHA! Join the club! And he told me something really hilarious! He said MacNUS Society has this Tshirt that says...
Mac Users swear by their computers, PC Users swear AT their computers

Praise God for creating this!