Friday, October 10, 2008

God made emotions


I realise something! I only post on the blog whenever I feel emo...
which means for the rest of the time when I don't post, it means I'm like not emoting...

which means the lesser I post, you can be assured I'm ok and not emoting..
WOW! what a huge discovery! hahahaha!

no lah, I will post happy things too... OMG ! i'm talking to myself!

Sweet Jesus Christ, my Sanity

I had a revelation.

"Sweet Jesus Christ, my sanity...."

There's so much power in this phrase... OMG!
Charlie Hall! you very smart leh!

No one else but Jesus, He keeps me sane...

wooooo... I feel so much better by just clinging to my Lord... Thank You Jesus!


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

God-Shaped hole

I have a God-Shaped hole in my heart nothing earthly can satisfy...


"You have created us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."

Restless heart.

St Augustine, you are so wise...