Gosh! Flo cannot stop nagging about my "yi bai kuai" Birkenstocks!hahahaha!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
My Birkenstocks....

My 9th pair of Birks!! the 8th pair on the way...
Huisian: Ladies, i'm flying to Frankfurt... Any Birkenstock request?
Lydia(thinking): Crap! This is tempting! should i? aiyar but 2007 collection leh... Germany won't have it yet rite?
Lydia: Ok, help me check it out...
4 days later...........
Huisian: Hey i'm back with your Tabora.... happy anot?
Lydia: HUH? really?? OMG!
Should i be happy? well... i think i am! hahahahha.........
but bye bye to my "yi bai kuai".... Check out my next entry

I'm totally obsessed with Birkenstocks.... Just like how Cheryl is obsessed with FOOD and BAKING! I've got a fetish for FOOTWEAR!!!!!
(only 7 pairs here, the other charchat until cannot charchat anymore one is in the office...)
Monday, October 30, 2006
Most Hilarious Warm Fuzzie...
warm fuzzie award of the year! written on the last nite of YISS...
Here it goes...
Thanks for being part of the team!
God wants to be able use you powerfully...
I pray God is like will want dark and quiet (HUH?!?!?)
Nope, she wants to clean the place first...
(this dude here is obviously having a nightmare about cleaning up the place)
ok go sleep and rest well... dinner?
(my dear friend obviously needs to go to sleep... she's not thinking!)
Here it goes...
Thanks for being part of the team!
God wants to be able use you powerfully...
I pray God is like will want dark and quiet (HUH?!?!?)
Nope, she wants to clean the place first...
(this dude here is obviously having a nightmare about cleaning up the place)
ok go sleep and rest well... dinner?
(my dear friend obviously needs to go to sleep... she's not thinking!)
Sunday, October 29, 2006
October Party & Mini Me

Gosh! it's the Amplify October Babies Party @ good old Miss Clarity with the Mini Me!!

Goodness Gracious me! it's super drama! Check this out man! Lydia's poser photo! hahaha!
My dearest Charlene Ong finally brought the photo today can! This cut out photo of ME! i've been asking her for it since last July... HAHA!
She had to do this School Project and asked me to be her model like last year... yet to see the Advertisement she did though. I was suppose to pose with the camera, did a 360 degree pose thingy... OMG super drama!

i'm like super amused with the Cut Out and started showing everyone... and made everyone take a photo with the Mini Me! MuAhahaha!
It's ME everywhere!
And coincidentally, I'M WEARING THE SAME TOP TODAY as the CUT OUT PHOTO!
The moment i reached Miss Clarity... GOsh! Like bird let out of the cage! i started talking and yakking and laughing non stop....
Thelma: oei! u kena let out of the cage issit?
Lydia: Yes! tell me about it! I LOVE CSC! hahahahha! i'm beginning to appreciate 4th Saturday Mass at CSC! Muahaha!
It was a great party... gosh.. everyone had a great time fellowshipping and all...
only Kong missing! Kong, u're missed by US!

which is the real me?
OR are we twins?
Aunty Dee
My dearest Charlene Ong finally brought the photo today can! This cut out photo of ME! i've been asking her for it since last July... HAHA!
She had to do this School Project and asked me to be her model like last year... yet to see the Advertisement she did though. I was suppose to pose with the camera, did a 360 degree pose thingy... OMG super drama!

i'm like super amused with the Cut Out and started showing everyone... and made everyone take a photo with the Mini Me! MuAhahaha!
It's ME everywhere!
And coincidentally, I'M WEARING THE SAME TOP TODAY as the CUT OUT PHOTO!
The moment i reached Miss Clarity... GOsh! Like bird let out of the cage! i started talking and yakking and laughing non stop....
Thelma: oei! u kena let out of the cage issit?
Lydia: Yes! tell me about it! I LOVE CSC! hahahahha! i'm beginning to appreciate 4th Saturday Mass at CSC! Muahaha!
It was a great party... gosh.. everyone had a great time fellowshipping and all...
only Kong missing! Kong, u're missed by US!

which is the real me?
OR are we twins?
Aunty Dee
Thursday, October 26, 2006
allow me to be RANDOM 1
check this out!
received a call from Antonia yesterday, suddenly ask me if I had a bible with me... i'm like Huh? No leh babe!
then remembered about this online bible website...
realise it's super useful, when u suddenly wanna look for a verse in the office & the bible is not with u...
John 4:14
"But whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst;
the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water
welling up to eternal life."
received a call from Antonia yesterday, suddenly ask me if I had a bible with me... i'm like Huh? No leh babe!
then remembered about this online bible website...
realise it's super useful, when u suddenly wanna look for a verse in the office & the bible is not with u...
John 4:14
"But whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst;
the water I shall give will become in him a spring of water
welling up to eternal life."
Selamat Hari Raya
As i was gonna make this entry... i'm like :
Hey! i brought my camera to Charles and Ros' place yest! but i didn't take a single photo...! stupid!
whatever it is... YES it was a public holiday yesterday... it was Hari Raya!!
i didn't make ketupats or dance Malay Dance, my cc didn't have any Malay Weddings either...
anywayz, was just talking to Cassilda the other day about going to Charles n Ros' place to catch up with them... been wanting to do that for the longest time but didn't... so i thought we could make use of the public holiday...
band practice for Friday's worship ended like at 5.30pm?
Though we all aimed to finish by 4.30pm... as usual
My part time chauffeur, Uncle Christopher See gave me a lift to Toa Payoh and yeah... happily skipped my way up Charles n Ros' house
Gosh! Uncle Clarence Hoe was whipping up a FEAST! my goodness...
we had a good time feasting and catching up...
There was Charles, Ros, Cass, Leo, Uncle Hoe, Flo and myself... not forgetting Baby Josh...
i tell u! the food could feed another 3 mouths!
we had nachos with cheese, garlic mushroom soup, HUGE mushrooms with melted cheese on top, CHICKEN WINGS, salmon baked rice and baked pasta.... and TIRAMISU!
goodness gracious... we were all stuffing our faces...
great catch up... miss the good old days!
Hey! i brought my camera to Charles and Ros' place yest! but i didn't take a single photo...! stupid!
whatever it is... YES it was a public holiday yesterday... it was Hari Raya!!
i didn't make ketupats or dance Malay Dance, my cc didn't have any Malay Weddings either...
anywayz, was just talking to Cassilda the other day about going to Charles n Ros' place to catch up with them... been wanting to do that for the longest time but didn't... so i thought we could make use of the public holiday...
band practice for Friday's worship ended like at 5.30pm?
Though we all aimed to finish by 4.30pm... as usual
My part time chauffeur, Uncle Christopher See gave me a lift to Toa Payoh and yeah... happily skipped my way up Charles n Ros' house
Gosh! Uncle Clarence Hoe was whipping up a FEAST! my goodness...
we had a good time feasting and catching up...
There was Charles, Ros, Cass, Leo, Uncle Hoe, Flo and myself... not forgetting Baby Josh...
i tell u! the food could feed another 3 mouths!
we had nachos with cheese, garlic mushroom soup, HUGE mushrooms with melted cheese on top, CHICKEN WINGS, salmon baked rice and baked pasta.... and TIRAMISU!
goodness gracious... we were all stuffing our faces...
great catch up... miss the good old days!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tooth Fairy

Gosh! i have no idea why i have so much problems with my teeth...
First it was my wisdom tooth, now it's the tooth on my lower jaw...
ok, i know i've repeated this story to about 6 people already but yes i'm gonna like say it for the 7th time! hahah! yar i'm so fond of doing that... repeating my stories to different pple!
Gosh! toothache again! and i was at CJC retreat on Friday.... my goodness! imagine!!!! i had to lead 2 worship sessions, sing for Reconciliation and Mass! aiyor always one lor... ALWAYS! everytime i need to sing, i either get toothache or cough or something...
Anywayz, my toothache got so bad that i had to rinse my mouth with Listerine every now and then at CJ... goodness me! i ran in n out the Auditorium and charge into the toilet for like a zillion times!
got home n Saturday night, and had to work on Sunday and anywayz, the Dental Clinic i went to get my wisdom tooth extracted the last time was not opened on Sunday so i waited till Monday...
Aiyor! u won't believe how hard i prayed on Sunday night........
Jesus! i command that toothache to stop right now and i place the pain at the foot of Your cross! PLEASE PLEASE.... bless my finances, if i need to get a Root Canal done, i can only afford like $XX amount... please please Jesus... Yes! i went on and on until i fell asleep...
The moment came, i woke up, called the Dental Clinic to make sure it was open and made my way down...
Gosh! I told the dentist I was having this very bad toothache & i have no idea where the root of the problem was... He checked on my teeth, took an X-Ray and confirmed that it was this tooth in front of my molar!
Oh my tian! it was so decieving can... the tooth looked prefectly fine on the outside but was decaying inside! and when the dentist said:
U need to do a ROOT CANAL!
OMG! my heart sank! aiyor ROOT CANAL!!!! after all the scary stories Dot told me about her root canal and about how expensive it can get... my jaw dropped... my heart sank!
i'm like : HUH? are there any other options? (though i knew the other option was extracting the entire tooth)
guess i didn't have a choice... the dentist assured me that it wouldn't be as painful as extracting the whole tooth. The same dentist did an extraction of my wisdom tooth in Feb this year. Trust me! it wasn't as scary/ painful as i thought...
ok now the MONEY! how much huh?
Dentist: $300
Lydia: $300?!?!??!
that's like CHEAP! i never once heard of Root Canal $300 before can! Dot did hers for like $600 and some other people pay like over $1000 for it....
Dentist: oh this time round, u only have to pay $150... the remaining $150, pay during the next visit when u come back to do the filling...
In my head: PRAISE GOD! omg... yar i only have $150 with me right now! Thank u Jesus!
yep and the dentist did what he had to do... injected anesthetic on my gums to numb it, drilled open my tooth, showed me a blown up picture of my decayed tooth... (to my horror, half my tooth inside was like GONE! goodness gracious me!)... slit open my gums to clean up the root of my tooth, filled it up with temporary filling...
The Process.............. PAINLESS!
in the course of the whole of Yesterday............. PAINLESS! (just a little discomfort)
Everybody! want painless dental treatment, pls visit Dr Lim at Lee & Ong Dental, Block 18 Teck Whye Lane.................
Praise the Lord... for His faithfulness! AMEN!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Princess of a King
Psalm 100:1-5
A psalm of Thanksgiving
Shout joyfully to the Lord, all you lands;
Worship the Lord with cries of gladness,
come before Him with joyful song
Know that the Lord is God, our maker to whom we belong, whose people we are, God's well-tended flock.
Enter the temple gates with praise,
its courts with thanksgiving,
Give thanks to God, bless His name;
Good indeed is the Lord,
Whose love endures FOREVER,
Whose FAITHFULNESS lasts through every age
A psalm of Thanksgiving
Shout joyfully to the Lord, all you lands;
Worship the Lord with cries of gladness,
come before Him with joyful song
Know that the Lord is God, our maker to whom we belong, whose people we are, God's well-tended flock.
Enter the temple gates with praise,
its courts with thanksgiving,
Give thanks to God, bless His name;
Good indeed is the Lord,
Whose love endures FOREVER,
Whose FAITHFULNESS lasts through every age
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