Sunday, January 06, 2008

10 things i wanna do in 2008

1. stop shopping (cut down i mean, oh & prob have a garage sale to sell my stuff =P)
2. stop taking cabs (take when bo bian)
3. stop eating expensive food (stop ordering excessively & think twice before i step into a restaurant)
4. Pass my driving?!??!?! IN JESUS' NAME!
5. finish reading the books i bought (all 12 of them, which means 1 a month)
6. read deeper into the Word
7. take 2 days leave & spend "God & Me" time at the beach
8. pick up Guitar AGAIN (the first song i wanna play: None But Jesus)
9. build, journey with & start cell within Hospi Team
10. see the final product of Eden Cafe

In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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